Albania is full of surprises. I was in some hot springs this morning. Alban, my voluntary tour guide, was watching over me so I do not faint… Prolonged exposure to sulfur can do funny things…
He insisted on riding pillion without a helmet. “Go like Valentino Rossi!” is all he kept saying. I wonder how Rossi would ride on these horrible roads with so much load. A few short wheelies is all I could do to please him.
Now I’m on top of a mountain pass near the Macedonian border. There are cement military machine gun aprons around. Goats have claimed them after the transition from communism to tourism! I found a small restaurant across the road and there is wi-fi here… I’m eating a traditional local delicacy accompanied by hard core rave beats on the speakers. No wonder the truck drivers are driving like they’re on ecstasy. It’s hard to believe! I’ll cut it short this time and upload some videos while I have the opportunity… By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, it’s possible to watch these videos in HD. I know that the sound balance on the previous videos was somewhat problematic. I have a very simple editing software. There really aren’t much options regarding the sound balance. Not even a volume setting. Sorry for that.
1 Doa wrote:
pillion !
2 dilan wrote:
dünya burdan harika görünüyo eminim aslında harikadan biraz daha harikadır. yaşa varol, yollar şen olsun, gelirken ara, güzel sürüşler.
3 Doa wrote:
That was a very nice riding video
4 Firat wrote:
Videolari zevkle izledim. Yalniz kendini motosikletle giderken cektigin kisimlari izlerken kamerayi geri donup alirkenki halini dusunmeden edemedim:) Bu iste soyle bir gariplik var sanirim. Videolari izlerken kameranin senin gozun, senin bakis acin oldugu varsayimini yapiyoruz. Sonra seni motosikletle giderken gorup kameranin geride kaldigini dusunmek insana tuhaf geliyor, zira senin gozunle kamera arasindaki baglantiyi ihlal eden birsey bu.
Bir de bu videolarda keyfin baya yerindeymis gibi geldi. Hem Turkiye’ye yaklastigin icin hem de guzel yerlerden gectigin icin sanirim. Kendine dikkat et. Yolun acik olsun.
5 azra wrote:
Erdemcim…ben Istanbuldayım… Telefonum 0539-508-5826
varınca ara… Borga hergun Erdem ne zaman gelecek dıye soruyor! hepimiz seni cok ozledik..
6 leif wrote:
That was fun, watching your oil change, and It was for me.
You were not far from Albertville, where i lived for a year. Great roads around there for motorcycles. Seems like things are going pretty smooth. Take care of yourself, leif
7 Erdem Yucel wrote:
I’ll make a separate video compilation of “coming back for the camera”… Just for you Fırat!
8 Ali Yılmaz wrote:
Savaş ın yolculuğunu takip ederken merak ettim girdim.
ne diyelim hem kıskandım hem özendim.
Yaolunuz açık olsun. büyük macera.