The day started with quite a scene. Bintuğ took off for Los Angeles in the morning. No actual tear drops were shed, but we got as emotional as two biker dudes could get. Wind and cold made our eyes a bit wet but all was fine. Knowing that we would not be seeing each other until fall, we hugged, and of course tapped each other on the shoulders for what appeared to me as 48 times... This is a good indication of the inability of Turkish males to communicate emotions. It gets the message through without making a big scene. [gallery ...Read More

I'm looking for a word... It's not exactly 'geography'. It's more like the movement of it. Not just the tectonic movements over a given time, but also the movements on the surface of it. Water, wind, roads... I feel like the roads we're riding on are prerecorded movements mimicking those of the land. Highway 70 goes through the Rocky mountains following Colorado river. For about 4 hours, we rode along the river following every curve of it. This must be a motorcycling dream. Today was our last night with Bintuğ. Tomorrow morning, he'll be returning to Los Angeles. His companion made ...Read More

I'm beginning to get mileage anxiety. I will need to be in Toronto in 10 days due to shipping arrangements. The weather is not at its best. Surely, we are not in California anymore... The more we approach the northern inland states, the colder it's getting... I can't imagine what it will be like in Chicago or Toronto. Today, I did some of the best riding I've ever done so far. Wrapped in our warmest layers of clothing, we crossed the indian reservation between Grand Canyon and Monument Valley. There are strong winds all around the place. On a bike, ...Read More

Las Vegas and counting. We're planning to camp in echo bay on the shores of Colarado river. 70 more miles to go. At least for today. Read More

We are leaving early tomorrow morning. Evren arranged a perfect bon-voyage party yesterday afternoon. Most of our friends came together to say goodbye. I had an unforgettable day. Seeing so many friendly faces, witnessing the looks in the eyes of loved ones, effected me deeply in a quite unexpected way. A very popular aspect of motorcycle riding is the romantic ideal of the solitary individual. I love too many people to get carried away with such a feeling. It feels like I don't belong to myself. There is so much in me that I owe to others. Seeing how they ...Read More

I haven't felt this much excitement for a long time. Less than a week remains now. I come across the bike every day when I park the car behind it. A rush of fear and excitement fills me as I look at it. I don't see a 1000cc class M vehicle... I see the journey that lies ahead and it's too much to take in. Within a few seconds, I get overflown by this feeling and decide to attend some of the preparation intricacies. Focusing on details helps when you want to get away from the big picture. Three weeks ago, ...Read More

This is a test. I just installed a widget to send automatic e-mail updates to subscribers... This means you'll get an e-mail when I write a post. I hope it works... Read More